Adrienne Hall-Phillips, PhD
Coming soon...
A conceptual framework that discusses the role of unclarity confusion surrounding expiration dates on the consumers’ path to purchasing perishable grocery products.

The emergence of social media creates new opportunities for social ventures to foster consumer-social venture (C-SV) identification. The study posits that C-SV identification is driven by consumer engagement through social media sites and attractiveness of a social venture's identity.

The proliferation of social media usage has changed the way individuals express public discourse regarding social issues. Through the lens of connective action logic, this research seeks to explore the effects of offline events on connective action participation and interactions between communities.

I (heart) social ventures
I (heart) social ventures
Expiration Dates
It is my hope that my research becomes a valuable resource for consumers, policy makers, and marketing and sales managers,
by providing practical implications that expand the knowledge of the subject matter and make consumer-industry exchanges thrive.
Click here for a full listing of publications available on Google Scholar.